What can I eat?
There are plenty of food options to choose during your orthodontic treatment. However, you will be asked to avoid some hard foods and sticky candy.
What do I do if something in my mouth becomes loose?
If a bracket or wire becomes loose, contact our office to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. If it is after hours, leave a message and someone will return your call the next business day. It is extremely important that we arrange to repair your bracket and not further delay your treatment.
How do I keep my braces clean?
Braces tend to collect food that can cause stains and cavities. Take extra measures to keep your teeth clean. Make sure you brush your teeth and around your gums after each meal. Be sure to take your time and do it right. Floss as directed and use a fluoride mouth rinse as well. Oral hygiene instructions will be reviewed once your treatment begins.
Should I see my general dentist while I have braces?
Yes, you should continue to see your dentist for regular cleanings and dental checkups every six months. In some cases, we may recommend three month dental cleanings.
Can I play my instrument with braces on?
Yes, but it may feel different at first, so expect to practice until you get used to playing with your braces. Braces typically do not interfere with the playing of wind or brass instruments.
Can I play sports with braces on?
Yes, but make sure you follow these suggestions from the American Association of Orthodontics.
- Wear your mouth guard. Mouth guards aid in preventing injuries to your jaw, mouth, and teeth caused by colliding or falling. For athletes with braces, we can recommend the best type of mouth guard.
- Use good judgment. If you feel a certain activity may cause dental or facial injury, gear up. Without it, a pick-up game of basketball or flag football could result in a trip to the emergency room.